Posted on March 10, 2023 A SERVANT’S HEART

God sends us with co-laborers to participate in Kingdom building. With the team of 10 Special Assistants to the Short-Term Mission desk and the two staff members, volunteers are prepared to be God’s ambassadors cross-culturally where they have been invited to come.

It starts with an awareness of a heart call, which is joined by a human invitation to meet God in action locally or globally. Since the 1960’s the Short-Term Mission desk has prepared thousands of God’s servants to go and see. Volunteers learned to write in languages that were not their heart language, to sit with strangers and recognize similarities, to listen attentively to sacred stories and to pray with.






Being held in God’s hands with mercy, peace and love can only add to the lived transformation short-term volunteers experience near and far.

If you feel called to serve globally on short-term mission trips, please contact the Short-Term Mission desk at