Posted on June 30, 2021 Baptizing them…

Acts and Love in Action: BGsEtAl 2021Jul/Aug; Vol. XXII Num. 01; Baptizing them…

21 years ago, on July 1, 2000, we embarked on a venture of faith in obedience to His call in Matthew 28.19-20 (CSB), “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Three instructions and an everlasting promise that continues to sustain us through each transition and challenge we face! Hallelujah…

These 21 years we have served in Chile, Spain, Nicaragua, Colombia, and recently regionally in the Iberoamerica and the Caribbean region. Make disciples is the first of the instructions and while serving as regional consultants for discipleship it is our privilege and responsibility to share in discipleship encounters throughout our region. We resumed ministry where we started in 2000, in Chile. Our weekly online encounters are a blessing to them as they are to us.

Baptizing them is the second instruction and though we are not currently living in Colombia, we are blessed to see how the Lord continues to give growth to seeds that we planted and are being watered. While we were in the country, we met and nurtured a relationship with many people God brought into our path. One of them is Jose Leonardo. He and his family came from Venezuela seeking refuge and a better life for their family. As Carlos shared the Gospel with him, Jose Leonardo made his commitment of faith. We have stayed in touch through WhatsApp and his Pastor Jhon invited us to witness Jose Leonardo’s baptism. If for one person we needed to be in Colombia for the length of time we were able to live and serve there, to God be all the glory!

The Wayuu are one in more than a 100 indigenous groups in Colombia. Most of them live in The Guajira. They live in “rancherías”, secluded communities in the outskirts of the main cities. To get to their homes, we must cross a river on foot. They do not have electricity nor running water, yet their joy is contagious, and their warmth is inviting. Pastor Manuel is both their pastor and civilian authority within their communities. What a joy to witness their recent baptisms in the river of 200 women and men from their own communities! God continues to surprise us with such harvest while He continues to protect them from this global pandemic of COVID-19 that is around them yet hasn’t reached them in the rancherías.

Teaching them is the third instruction and as we share in discipleship, preaching the Word, and living it out, we are teaching others to obey what He commanded us. What a blessing to do so assured of His promise that I am with you always. He is always by our side and by the side of each one or each 100 or 200 that He continues to add to His family!

In June, those who gave through the #MonthlyGivingMatch blessed many of us in getting closer to the 100% we are all required in support pledges. Thanks for being part of our network through your prayers, encouragement, and ongoing financial support! The journey to which we were commissioned on August 4, 2000, continues. Your loving care and partnership are appreciated by your BGs as we celebrate the completion of year 21…

Stretching further toward the goal “baptizing them”,
your BGs Et Al

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