Ministry From my Kitchen: International Mission During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Laptop, mouse, headphones, paper lists and notes… the tools I use to participate in international ministry, all ready to go, on my kitchen table. What am I ready to do?  …

Story of Hope, and Covid-19 Relief, in Montalban, Philippines

By God’s grace, I have been sustained as I, along with my other co-missionaries in Companion With the Poor (CWTP) who are situated around the Metro-Manila area and in Cebu …

Del MPT de tus BGs Pareo de Ofrendas Mensuales 2020

Una palabra del MPT de tus BGs Et Al-Colombia… Queridos Amigos y Amigas: Hemos sido amigos de Carlos y Mayra por más de quince de sus 20 años de servicio …

Your BGs MPTers on Monthly Giving Match 2020

A word from your BGs Et Al-Colombia MPTers… Dear Friends, We have been friends of Carlos and Mayra for over fifteen of their almost 20 years of missionary service. It …

Invitation to a Virtual Visit with Me

Hi to all my friends! The Short-Term Mission Team invites you to a virtual visit with Rev. Madeline Flores-Lopez, IM Global servant in the Dominican Republic. The pandemic has created …

Tiempos difíciles

En forma muy breve, les comparto la situación en Costa Rica.