Christ in all y’all…

Acts and Love in Action: BGsEtAl 2022Dec; Vol. XXIII Num. 6; Christ in all y’all… As if those 5,104 miles in October weren’t enough, November piled up another 4,201 between …

Cristo en ustedes…

Hechos y Amor en Acción: BGsEtAl 2022Dic; Vol. XXIII Núm. 6; Cristo en ustedes… Como si las 5,104 millas en octubre no fueran suficientes, en noviembre añadimos otras 4,201 entre …

Saint Nick an Anti-Trafficking Activist…?

Dec 6th is traditionally celebrated as the Feast of Saint Nicholas. St. Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra, a Greek city in Lycia (present day Turkey). Some accounts state that …

Put Off the Old and Put On the New

We gifted 104 dozen (1,248) pairs of shoes to children this week after Sunday school. They were delighted to receive them! The hardened lava that covers much of Goma is …

When Lord Did We See You a Stranger

The city of Goma on the Congo-Rwanda border where Bill and I live has seen its share of crises over the past five years:  a new outbreak of Ebola (Congo’s …

On the Road with Mercy/En el Camino con Mercy

On the Road with Mercy/En el Camino con Mercy
Mercy Gonzalez-Barnes
December 1, 2022