December 2, 2017 Haiti – Kids for Kids
Global Gifts Kids for Kids
[pie chart]100%Support Raised
[world map] Iberoamerica and the Caribbean Haiti push-pin Haiti
Economic Development Economic Development
GoalThe goal of this project is to have children in Haiti raise goats, sell the offspring and use the proceeds to purchase school uniforms, books and shoes and to pay tuition.
Summary$36,750 to purchase more than 630 goats to distribute to school age children in poor villages throughout northern Haiti.
DescriptionToday education is the only way out of poverty. Many parents in Haiti are aware of the importance of giving their children access to education. But getting a job is rare and that leaves little hope to provide even basics for their families like food and medications. The Haitian Baptist Convention created the baby goat (kid) project to help families make it possible for their children to get an education. The kids raise the baby goats, and then sell the adults, or their offspring, which brings in money for school tuition, uniforms and more.
Suggested Gifts$50 will provide 1 child with a goat and the promise of a better future. $100 provides 2 goats to 2 different children. $250 provides 5 goats and $500 will provide 10 goats to families in need.
Prayer RequestsPray that this project gives hopes to dozens of families struggling to educate their children. Pray for the leaders who have the hard task of deciding which families get this opportunity.
Managed ByKihomi Ngwemi & Nzunga Mabudiga