Posted on February 26, 2022 Living Through the Pandemic and the World in Chaos – Reflections Behind my Gentle Smile

Living Through the Pandemic and the World in Chaos – Reflections Behind my Gentle Smile

Benjamin Chan

February 26, 2022


  1. Honesty let God tell me what I am experiencing and feeling from my body and emotion, and via family members and friends, and “Yes, God, I am in trauma!”
  2. Boldly ask God to teach me how to live and serve as I am actually weak, tired, need help, and confess “I do not have an answer.”
  3. Angrily tell God that I do not like the bad, which happens to me and others. Very likely there is sin and injustice behind the bad, and “God, you are angry too, right?”
  4. Constantly focus on God’s focus on the marginalized and underserved. No, I do not know God and I am not following Jesus if I do not do the best to understand and journey with them. No, they are not my clients and means to raise funds.