March 2, 2023 Nzunga and Kihomi finally arrive on the DR
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Dear loved ones,


Hola from Santiago.

We had a nice flight over here to Santiago in the Dominica Republic. Pastor Ignacio, the president of IBERADO (Iglacias Baltistas de la Republica Dominicana), and our own IM missionary, Brian Smith, were waiting at the airport for us as we stepped off the plane. We got to the place where mama Lynette joined us latter that day. What a joy to be reunited after so long! We felt as if we were back in Haiti together. We ate, sat down and talk for many hours. The next day, Friday, we toured the school, where I felt small and stupid when everyone was speaking Spanish. We stood there like idiots. And then we went shopping for food. When we came back, we ate supper and visited until almost 2 am. We were rigorously trying to resolve the issues in this world. Monday is Independence Day here in the Dominican Republic and on Tuesday we start school. Our ears will be filled with Spanish while the cogs in our minds will be spinning furiously. We ask for extra prayers as we navigate in this unknown world we have stepped into.


Thank you for love and support of us.


Nzunga and Kihomi in the Dominican Republic.


Dear Supporters,


I doubt if you can understand the frustration of the last year and a half.  After waiting many months for Haiti to settle down and return to how it has always been, it was realized that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon if ever.  A plan was put in place for Nzunga and Kihomi to move to the DR close to the Haitian border where they could minister to the Haitians in the DR as well as cross the border when it was safe.  They need to learn Spanish as it is the language of the DR.  Now getting the proper visa to be in the DR kicked off the bureaucracy causing more delay.  Finally they are on the mission field again and I think you can see by the tone of this journal they are delighted to be back doing what they do best…minister to the least of these.


Please pray that they can quickly pick up Spanish which will be their 7th language they speak.


In His Name,


Dennis Shewell and the MPT team

