Posted on December 7, 2020 Oh My…Whatta Year!


Oh My…Whatta Year!

An Earthquake, FULL Scholarships, and the Kenya Baptist Theological Seminary…

No need to emphasize what an Unbelievable Year it has been and continues to be…

Many nights I glued myself to the National News podcast on NPR (National Public Radio) to keep up with what was happening Stateside. Meanwhile Ghana and the African continent had its own challenges.

Earthquake in Ghana?…YES! on June 24th –  4.0 on the Richter scale!  My first experience in Ghana and quite a surprise.  Fortunately, no reported injuries.

Amazing Girls, Volunteers and Interns!  The Aftercare Program for Baptist Vocational Training Centre (BVTC) Graduates to receive spiritual, emotional and vocational support expanded through community collaborations and the new eCounseling Program. “Counseling Without Walls” (I like to call it😊) supports victims of Human Rights abuses from Trokosi and help fill the systematic void for girls 18-25 years old who are largely not gainfully employed and lack the financial resources for higher education.  It also provides “hands-on” field experience for emerging Social Workers from the University of Ghana-Legon Social Work Department.

Excitedly, four (4) girls from the Aftercare Program received FULL Scholarships for Computer Coding and Programming program while 19 girls receive(d) eCounseling.

Because of YOU and through YOU…I was able to present to staff from Kids Alive International, local teachers and the Kenya Baptist Theological Seminary in Nairobi, Kenya about this ministry’s efforts to heal victims of ritual servitude (Trokosi), human trafficking and mission work that encourages the leveraging of local resources and organizations for sustainable programming using the Continuum Missions Model™.  It was SO fulfilling to share about CMM, learn what other Christian organizations are doing to move those served and partnered with toward independence and exchange ideas for the way forward!

Yes, it’s been an unimaginable year! Full of blessings and challenges.  Fortunately, nothing is too big or too great for the God we serve!

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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Rovaughna in Ghana😊

Jeremiah 29:11

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