Tag: Discipleship
| Que Fluya el Agua Viva…
| Pray for Alise and Mark Juanes preparing to serve ethnic minorities in Thailand, focusing on discipleship and spiritual development of children and staff.

Alise and Mark Juanes will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai, Thailand. These ministries were established by IM missionary Kim Brown to serve tribal women and children coping with problems caused by AIDS, disabilities and migration from their rural villages to urban slums.

| Pray for Stacy and Tim Reese endorsed to serve in discipleship and community development in Haiti.

Stacy and Tim will serve with IM partner in Haiti the Christian Association for Spreading the Gospel and Economic and Health Development. They are both passionate about discipleship through artistic expression.

Boaz Keibarak and his family | Pray for Boaz Keibarak serving in peace building ministries in Kenya as an International Associate Global Servant of IM.

Boaz serves through the Kingdom of Peace and Development (KOPAD) organization promoting ministries of evangelism, discipleship and peace and conflict transformation.

| A Blessing to Serve

Sister Olga Ramos Marcano reports about a recent short-term mission trip her team made to the Dominican Republic. Here is what she says “This short-term mission has made us more sensitive to the needs of others, including the people around us….  Our relationship with others cannot be the same. We will strive to be better human being; treat those around us with love, respect, better understanding, patience and be more tolerant.”

| Pray for Sarah Nash serving women and children through ministries of discipleship, education and health through the House of Hope in Bolivia.

Sarah Nash serves women and children through ministries of discipleship, education and health through the House of Hope in Bolivia.