Tag: Discipleship
| A note of thanks

The Short-Term Mission team thanks all volunteers who serve in cross cultural global settings and are ambassadors of peace, love and mercy on behalf of IM.

| Pray for Denise and Juan Aragon serving the rural, indigenous people of Mexico in the name of Christ.

Denise and Juan work in training, prevention and education as they learn the community needs and look for ways to emotionally and economically empower leaders in their communities.

| Taira Childcare Center Rebirth!

Lee Ann and I boarded the 8:00 express train to Iwaki 13 minutes before departure. During almost two and a half hours on the train, I could quietly rehearse my 2-minute speech in Japanese lots of times!

| Pray for Ingrid Roldan-Roman serving in Panama, working with the students and their relatives in evangelism, social development and pastoral care.

Ingrid directs a tutoring and feeding program for elementary and high school students who have fallen behind in their studies. The program is held at Ingrid’s house

| First IM Global Servants to Serve in Colombia, South America

IM global servants Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti have accepted the invitation to serve in discipleship formation and training church leaders in Colombia, South America. They need your help to reach Colombia.

| Pray for Dan Buttry, Global Consultant for Peace and Justice, helping Christian workers and leaders deal constructively with conflict.

Dan works with International Ministries missionaries and national church partners around the world to deal constructively with conflict situations.