Tag: Peace and Justice
| Pray for Dan Buttry, Global Consultant for Peace and Justice, facing health challenges and helping equip believers to resolve conflicts and meet needs all over the world.
| When Getting Really Sick Is Really Good!
| Pray for Dan Buttry, Global Consultant for Peace and Justice, helping Christian workers and leaders deal constructively with conflict.

Dan works with International Ministries missionaries and national church partners around the world to deal constructively with conflict situations.

| In the Footsteps of Gustavo

Gustavo Parajon was one of my heroes and role models. Gustavo and his wife Joan were International Ministries missionaries in Nicaragua where Gustavo pastored the First Baptist Church of Managua and led in many medical and community ministries.

| IRS redefined… / IRS redefinido…
| Totally exposed… / Al descubierto…