Tag: serve
| What Do We Notice?

May we be encouraged to notice “the neighbor” walking six feet away, living six thousands miles away or isolated six blocks from us.

| Serving on Short-Term Missions

Short-Term missions have been part of International Ministries for over fifty years. The STM office follows and upholds the guidelines set by the Standard of Excellence. It is a code of best practice for short-term mission sending agencies put together by SOE, Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission accreditation agency (www.soe.org) If you would like to serve alongside our long-term global servants, the STM team is here to facilitate the process.

| Discovery Trip to Costa Rica

A short-term discovery trip to Costa Rica in October 2019 will be led by Rev. John Grisham. Interested to know more?

| Witness and With-Ness

James Williams – By entering into life-sharing companionship with others, we give that which the world cannot offer; we give the love of God.

Sarah McCloy – Some of the most impactful God moments during my mission experiences have been witnessing the work of other faithful Christians.

| Opportunities To Serve

Here are a few up-coming short-term mission opportunities sponsored by the Short-Term Mission Office to enable you to shine the Light of Christ outside your comfort zone. Let’s help you to step out and serve.

| A note of thanks

The Short-Term Mission team thanks all volunteers who serve in cross cultural global settings and are ambassadors of peace, love and mercy on behalf of IM.