Tag: Theological Education
| Congo – Baptist University of Congo (UNIBAC)

This project seeks to prepare young Congolese women and men spiritually and intellectually be leaders in their rural communities.

| Seeing
| New Opportunities Amidst a Disorienting Time
| From the Hibiscus, Learn its Lesson…
| Grateful and blessed

Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,

I praise God so much for His provisions and His faithfulness! PLEASE REJOICE WITH ME!

| McCurdy’s are Heading to Mexico

Downloadable videos are below. After much prayer and many conversations, it has become evident to us and International Ministries that God is calling our family to minister and partner with a new country of service. It is with much joy we share with you that God is calling our family to minister in Mexico City at the invitation of the Baptist Theological Seminary, a partner of International Ministries.