Posted on August 16, 2017 Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti helping make disciples of Jesus in Latin America

Carlos and Mayra have been working with the Baptist Theological Seminary in Nicaragua, accompanying them in the program of informal theological education in the churches of the Baptist Convention of Nicaragua and as writers of curriculum material for the Seminary. They have been long-term missionaries serving through our mission society since 2000. They are currently on U.S./Puerto Rico Assignment and are discerning God’s leading for their next ministry assignment.

They share the following prayer requests.

•    BGsEnRoute through NE USA till mid-November and discernment of next assignment while continuing to write/polish the Bible study materials started in Nicaragua. Part 1: The Bible is ready and in the hands of those in Nicaragua that are facilitating the experience in the regions. Part 2: Jesus is being written to be shared when ready. English translation for all of the material to commence soon to make the materials available to other regions. The BGs + HEG in this transition of ministries, places, and family dynamics in the years to come.
•    Alberto (21 this month) a senior at Eastern University and his fall semester abroad.
•    Carolina (18 in September) taking a gap year before starting fall 2018 at Eastern University. Traveling with parents and being part of this transition.
•    Daniela (13 last June) going on to 8th grade, traveling with parents, and experiencing new family dynamics (soon to be the only MK at home).
•    Hilda (Mayra’s 84 years old mom) moving in with the BGs by mid-November and thereafter to whichever field of service the BGs go to.
•    Carlos and Mayra are championing the “Discipleship” Focus Impact Area (FIA) of Responding to the Call (RTC) with lots of ministry opportunities to expand around the world in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
•    The BGs are grateful for the love, encouragement, and financial support received throughout these 17 years of missionary service through ABFMS. Visiting network siblings is always a joy; for no FB post, email, or Skype call can replace a hug and a face-to-face conversation.