Tag: Training and Capacity Building
| Pray for Joel and Trish Hoefle-Magal serving as development workers in Thailand and Myanmar.
| Pray for Ann and Bruce Borquist serving as global consultants in Ministry fro, Everywhere to Everyone.

Ann and Bruce work alongside national leaders to build capacity in theological education, church-based community and economic development, servant leadership, social entrepreneurship, cross-cultural global servant training and ministry with refugees.

| Pray for Peter and Sarah McCurdy serving pastors and those pursuing a call to ministry and their families in Costa Rica

Peter and Sarah’s hope is that, through their ministries, hearts and minds will be changed and people will grow into the image of Christ.

| Transformational Tears

Tears are God’s gift to us, as I remember someone once telling us. Tears allow us to express deep joy, sorrow, happiness, hurt, and best of all healing! During this intensive week, the tears that were shed were a gift from God.

| Celebrate with us!

A few weekends ago, Peter joined his students in celebrating their accomplishment of graduating with their Master’s of Theology. Read about how God is working in the lives of some of the students.

| What is “Church”?

Have you ever wondered what it means to be “the church”? While it’s common to say we “go to church” on Sundays, theologians remind us we “go to be with the church” since “church” is the fellowship of God’s people – the community of faith – and not a building. We recently explored different dimensions of “being church” with the Union of Indonesian Baptist Churches.